Dialogue: What does the commitment mean to you?
Dear 400 Years subscribers,
Thank you for working on the deconstruction of white privilege and systemic racism in the United States. After 20 blog posts of my 400 Years project, I want to encourage a broader dialogue about this project and your relationship to it.
The commitment this project asks of you is, “to deconstruct white privilege and white supremacy more consistently, concretely, and constructively in myself and in our country.” Below in the comment box please offer a response to the first “Dialogue” question: “What does the commitment mean to you?” Try to be specific. If you need help getting started, try reading my first post that discusses the aims of this project. We are all in different places on this journey, but maybe together we’ll make some progress.
This is a moderated discussion. Once posts are approved, I hope the discussions that follow will help you honor your commitment. Feel free to suggest, challenge, and support. Be respectful but real - we are not doing this to “feel” better. We are doing this to make a difference for people of color in the United States suffering the most from historical and systemic racism.
If you haven’t done so yet, please make the commitment here or on the homepage of the 400Years.today website.
Thank you, Hugh